Young Adults Gatherings
5:30p - 7:30p
Young Adults is a ministry designed specifically for 18-25 year olds. We know that the transitional life stage from student ministry to adult ministry is not always clear, but it is absolutely crucial for healthy spiritual development.
Once A Month
Sunday Night
Our desire is to create an environment where young adults can come together on a consistent basis to hang out with their peers in a large gathering context, to worship, learn and grow in their relationship with Jesus.
Additionally, we point young adults to smaller YA Community Groups that meet in host homes, dorm rooms, or any other space that can facilitate discipleship discussions.
We want young adults in our community to know that they have a place where they belong.

Frequently Asked Questions
How old do I need to be to attend Young Adults?
Young Adults is for 18-25 year olds who have graduated High School.
Can I bring a friend that doesn't attend Revolution?
Absolutely! Invite your friends to attend with you!
Where does Young Adults meet?
We host Young Adults in the Auditorium at Revolution Canton.