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Welcome to RevKids Orientation

Thank you so much for taking time to begin the orientation process. We can’t wait for you to be part of the RevKids team! This online orientation is made up of 4 simple steps you can complete in about 25 minutes. You will watch a safety video, read through the RevKids Team Member Playbook & Job Descriptions, and complete the online questionnaire.

Overview of the Orientation Process:

  • Step 1: WATCH the RevKids Child Safety Video (Time Commitment: about 10 minutes)

  • Step 2: READ through the Team Member Job Descriptions, especially for those areas you are interested in (Time Commitment: about 5 minutes)

  • Step 3: READ the RevKids Team Member Playbook for your specific campus** (Time Commitment: about 5 minutes)

  • Step 4: COMPLETE the RevKids Questionnaire (Time Commitment: about 5 minutes)

**You will notice the last two pages of the playbook include our RevKids Team Covenant. We will get your electronic signature for these pages in Step 4 when you fill out the online questionnaire.

We are so excited to have you part of the team and hope this is a helpful start for your serving journey! Please don’t hesitate to reach out if there is anything else we can do to help you.

Step 1 - RevKids Child Safety Video

Safety and security are a top priority in RevKids. Please take a few minutes to watch the RevKids Child Safety Video.

Step 2 - Team Member Job Description

There are many ways to serve in RevKids from Preschool, to Elementary, to weekday curriculum prep. Please read through the Team Member Job Descriptions to learn more about each serving position.

Team Member Job Description

Step 3 - Team Member Playbook

The Team Member Playbook is the most important resource as a RevKids Team Member. Please read through its entirety for the campus you attend. We encourage you to print out the Playbook and keep for your records.

Step 4 - Questionnaire

Your last step is to complete the RevKids Online Questionnaire. Once this is completed, you will receive a confirmation email & our Staff Team will contact the references provided. We look forward to serving with you

Complete Questionnaire