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We want to partner with you by providing resources that give you the chance to connect with your student and help them grow in their faith based on the current series. For weekly conversation starters from our upcoming series, start here!

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Current Series

What does it take to be at the top? This is a central question for much of society. We all want the best life we can possibly live. But what does it take to get there? Jesus gave very clear answers throughout Scripture to so many of the most difficult questions we have. Many of those topics are found in the most famous sermon of all time: The Sermon on the Mount. In this series we will be looking at different passages in this sermon where Jesus clearly points His followers to what is best for them, so that through Him, they can have The Peak Life.


Week 1 - September 11 | Salt and Light

  • Read: Matthew 5:13-15, Romans 1:21-25, Romans 8:8, Mark 9:43- 50

  • Examine: As Jesus sits on top of a mountain and teaches his disciples, he extends his invitation on how we can get the peak out of life. One of the main illustrations of Jesus is salt and light. The purpose of being salt and light is that we make a difference and stand out from the world. The world needs salt and light because it is decaying and dark. It doesn’t take long looking at the darkness around us to see that something needs to change. God has a plan to fix what is broken in the world, and he plans to use you to do it. God uses our obedience to be different to make a difference.

  • Apply: Ask your students if there are any influences in their life that are trying to pull them into dark places? Talk about how they can be obedient to God and make a difference there.

  • Pray: Pray that God would give us wisdom for how to navigate the darkness and decay to make a difference.

Fall Break Week - September 18 | Fall Break Fun

This is the week of Fall Break. If your students are in town we hope they come have some fun with us at Fall Break Fun! There will be a Color War, free food, music, games and prizes.

The Color War includes the use of colored powder. Students need to bring an oversized, plain white t-shirt, clothes they don't mind getting a bit messy, and a towel or two on hand for pickup.

Week 2 - October 2 | Lust and Adultery

  • Read: Matthew 5:27-30, Romans 6:19, 1 Thessalonians 4:3-8

  • Examine: It is no mystery that we live in a hyper sexualized culture. There are so many examples of this nowadays, like when a burger restaurant uses suggestive imagery in their commercial to grab the audience's attention. Jesus cares about us too much not to speak about how to get the most out of life when it comes to our sexuality. While culture is pushing what they say will make us happy, God is pushing us to what makes us holy. As we look at what scripture says, we learn our sanctification is more valuable than our gratification.

  • Apply: If you haven’t already, start an age-appropriate dialogue on the topic of your students sexual integrity. Remind your students that you are the safest person to go to with their questions. Don’t let someone else set the sexual worldview for your students!

  • Pray: Ask God to grow our desires for Him rather than for what is around us.

Week 4 - October 9 | Treasure In Heaven

  • Read: Matthew 6:19-24; Proverbs 2:1-5

  • Examine: If you’ve ever seen Indiana Jones or National Treasure, you know just how exciting it is to imagine going on an adventure to find hidden treasure out in the world. Treasure hunting makes for fascinating movies. While it may seem like fantasy, we would be fooling ourselves if we aren’t doing that in our lives as well. There are things that are incredibly valuable to us. Think of your phones, your salary, sports, or even your home. Jesus makes it clear that your heart belongs to what it values the most. Since a disciple is to love God with all one’s heart, love for material possessions and riches is a subtle form of idolatry. Instead, we should value what will last forever.

  • Apply: Make a list of the things you would say your student treasures the most, and have them make a list of the things they think you treasure the most. Discuss them together and why you both wrote the things you did.

  • Pray: Pray that God would set the heart of your family on God and the things that He values most.

Week 5 - October 16 | Do Not Worry

  • Read: Matthew 6:25-34; Philippians 4:6-7; 1 Peter 5:7

  • Examine: Wouldn’t it be great if worrying didn’t exist? We humans are inclined to worry. We worry about big stuff, small stuff and everything in between. And when we have nothing to worry about, we worry that we might be missing or have forgotten something we ought to be worrying about. And yet, Jesus specifically commands us NOT to worry about anything. But He doesn’t just leave it there. He gives us the cheat code when it comes to our anxious thoughts: The God who created everything and sustains everything, can be trusted with everything. When we give everything to Him and trust Him to guide us to what is best for us, our own contribution becomes a lot smaller and less important.

  • Apply: Ask your student about what they are worrying about today. Ask them what they tend to worry about the most often. Then ask how you can help them when they are feeling anxious.

  • Pray: Pray for the anxious thoughts of your student and for their trust in God to grow in those specific moments.

Week 6 - October 23 | The Narrow Gate

  • Read: Matthew 7:12-14; 1 Peter 1:14-16; John 14:6

  • Examine: What do you do when you have a choice to make with multiple paths you can take? Do you make a pros and cons list? Do you google to see what the best possible answer is to your question? Or, do you just go with your gut because the gut is never wrong, right? When making decisions, it is very tempting to look at the easiest path and take it. However, we know that isn’t always wise. The easy way is usually not the right way. Jesus makes this abundantly clear when it comes to salvation. Many take the easy route, living for self and doing whatever they want, believing that true salvation is found in satisfying whatever desire one has. But salvation is found in Jesus alone, who took the hardest route in order to save us. Now we get to follow Him, which often requires us to take the hard route ourselves, but ultimately leads to the best life.

  • Apply: Ask your student how they typically make decisions. Ask what is hard about following Jesus, and what encourages them to do that?

  • Pray: Pray for your student’s salvation and pursuit of what is truly the best life for them which requires following Jesus.

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