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We want to partner with you by providing resources that give you the chance to connect with your student and help them grow in their faith based on the current series. For weekly conversation starters from our upcoming series, start here!

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Current Series


What nicknames have you been given over the years? Maybe you’ve had something like “Junior,” “Peach,” “Bubba,” or “Stinky.” Every one of those tells someone something about your life and/or character. As many nicknames as you have, God probably has more. The different names of God that we see in Scripture reveal things about God’s character. The more we learn about who God is and His character, the more we should realize just how much we need Him. And when we know how much we need Him, we are more willing to go and do what He commands us to do.


Week 1 | Yahweh / Adonai

  • Read: Exodus 3:11-15 (Yahweh); Genesis 15:1-6 (Adonai and Yahweh); Proverbs 3:5-6

  • Examine: You may have heard that to be saved, we have to trust that Jesus is our Lord and Savior. The Savior part is pretty easy to understand: we need someone to save us from our sins. The Lord part is trickier. What does that even mean? Yahweh and Adonai can help explain this. Yahweh is the sacred name of God, the one He gives Himself to Moses. It denotes that He is THE LORD of everything. He is the one in charge of everything. Adonai means “lord or master” and describes someone that rules over something. The names Yahweh and Adonai reveal that He is THE LORD of everything and the Lord of our lives. This means that we need to trust Him not just with the world, but with OUR world, including the little things that we think we should be lord over. God is a far better Lord than we are. When we recognize God in this way, we give up control and follow Him in everything.

  • Apply: Discuss with your student some aspects of life that people don’t give up control to God in and put themselves in the position of lord? How do we remind ourselves of God’s Lordship over us?

  • Pray: Pray that your family can maximize the authority of God over even your own authority.

Week 2 | Elohim

  • Read: Genesis 1:1, 26; Deuteronomy 10:17; Psalm 139:14

  • Examine: Ever wonder why you have weird habits when you do things? Maybe you kiss the roof of your car when you drive under a yellow light, or you microwave ice cream to make it soupy, or you love cottage cheese. Believe it or not, all of these happen and are weird! And yet, for many of our “strange” qualities, God knew we would turn out that way and created us that way. Elohim means “mighty one” or “the God who created me.” The name Elohim reveals that God has all power over creation. God not only created us uniquely, He created us with a purpose. By knowing our Creator, we know our purpose.

  • Apply: Make a list with your student of the qualities that each of your family members have. Ask your student how they believe God wants to use their specific qualities?

  • Pray: Pray that your student knows they have a special purpose designed by their Creator.

Week 3 | El Elyon / El Shaddai

  • Read: Genesis 14:17-20 (El Elyon); Genesis 17:1-3 (El Shaddai)

  • Examine: When you think of having power, who do you think of? For a kid, it might be parents or teachers. For a teenager, it might be the police or celebrities. For an adult, it might be politicians or wealthy people in business. If we knew people in those positions, it would be easy to think we might have access to that power too. El Elyon means “God most high” and reveals that there is nobody higher than God. El Shaddai means “God all-powerful” and reveals that there is nobody more powerful than God. The amazing thing about God, is that along with His immense power, His love for us is just as strong. God is in charge of everything, and yet is devoted to us personally.

  • Apply: Ask your student what are things that they are in charge of now and things they want to be in charge of in the future. What does it mean to them that a God in charge of everything wants a relationship with them?

  • Pray: Pray that your student seeks a personal relationship with God that isn’t based on your own relationship with Him.

Week 4 | El Roi

  • Read: Genesis 16:1-13; Proverbs 15:3; 2 Corinthians 12:9-10

  • Examine: We’ve all seen people on social media that are desperate for attention. They say or do outrageous things just to feel like people know who they are. While most people aren’t always that ridiculous, there is still an element of wanting to be seen in all of us. For teenagers, being seen is a massive desire. Even if they are more reserved, they want someone to notice and care about them. El Roi means “the God who sees me” and reveals that while we don’t always see God, He still sees us. Not only that, God sees us where we are and redeems us where we are.

  • Apply: Ask your student where they feel the most seen and where they feel the most unseen. How can you help them feel loved and cared about in those unseen places?

  • Pray: Pray that God can reveal to you the areas that your student feels unseen, and that He gives you the wisdom for how to care for and encourage them in that place.

Week 5 | Jehovah Rapha/Nissi

  • Read: Exodus 15:22-26; 2 Kings 20:1-5; Exodus 17:15; Joshua 6:1-5

  • Examine: When we do something good, we want to put our name to it. When someone breaks a record, their name goes into the record books. When you crush a project, you want your name on the assignment so you get credit for it. In the same way, God deserves the credit for what He does. Jehovah Rapha means “The Lord who heals” and Jehovah Nissi means “The Lord my banner.” These names reveal that God deserves the credit for every good thing in our lives. We may try to steal glory for ourselves sometimes, but our names will never be higher than the Name above all names.

  • Apply: Ask your student what is something they want to be known for. How can you give credit to God in your accomplishments?

  • Pray: Pray that your student represents the name of God before they try to represent their own name, or even your family’s name.

Week 6 | Jehovah Shalom

  • Read: Judges 6:21-24, 28-32; Judges 7

  • Examine: We live in the fastest moving time period in history. Information travels across the globe in a second. The English language is constantly adding new words or new meanings to words in the dictionary. Even fashion trends are in style one month and then out the next. In this fast-paced world with lots of changes, it can be hard to keep up. When big changes occur, we can become anxious and fearful. Jehovah Shalom means “The Lord is peace” and reveals that God desires for us to have peace, and that He’s the only way to get it. Instead of keeping up with the world, our lives should be about keeping close to God.

  • Apply: Discuss with your student what brings them the most fear and anxiety. If God brings true peace, how can they draw closer to Him?

  • Pray: Pray for peace to encompass your student as they are about to start school. Pray that even in the chaos of the world, they can draw closer to their Lord.

Week 7 | Jehovah Shammah/Jireh

  • Read: Ezekiel 48:35; Genesis 28:12-16; Genesis 22:6-14; 1 Timothy 6:17

  • Examine: Anybody who has been around a toddler would acknowledge that they need adults with them almost all the time. They make messes, try to stick everything in their mouths, and unknowingly get themselves into dangerous situations. However, when an adult stops them, they sometimes throw a fit, because they don’t realize that they are actually being helped. Jehovah Shammah means “The Lord is there” and Jehovah Jireh means “The Lord will provide.” These names reveal that God is present and active in our lives. We are similar to toddlers with God. We need Him to guide us and help us, or we will put ourselves in dangerous, unhealthy positions. The great news for us is that when God asks us to do something, He goes with us to help us and bless us.

  • Apply: Plan a date or trip with your student where you can talk with them about their future (college, career, relationships, etc.). Discuss how God will provide for them, and how you will be there for them too.

  • Pray: Ask God to give your family what you need, even when it goes against what you may want.

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Summer Nights

During the summer we like to have a little extra fun in RevStudents by hosting themed dress-up nights! Students are invited to come to the RevStudents gathering dressed in their best themed attire. Make sure to mark your calendar for the following dates:

June 19: Hawaiian Night

June 26: Decades Night

July 3: Red, White & Blue Night

July 10: Country Night

July 17: Tie Dye Night

July 24: Sports Night & 6th Grade Preview

July 31: Christmas in July Night

Need to talk with a Student Minister?

Contact Dave or Jeremy today!

Staff Photos March 2022 5

Dave Arbogast

Canton Student Minister

Staff Photos March 2022 4

Jeremy Whitehead

Jasper Student Minister

Upcoming Events

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Jun 19 - Jul 31, 2024

RevStudents Summer Nights

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Jul 24 - Jul 31, 2024

RevKids + RevStudents Move Up Week

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Aug 7, 2024 • 6:15p - 8:30p

RevStudents One Night

Stewardship Class

Aug 18, 2024

Stewardship Class