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We want to partner with you by providing resources that give you the chance to connect with your kids and help them grow in their faith. For weekly conversation starters regarding our current RevKids curriculum, start here!


July 7 | Jesus’ Miracles Prove He is God

READ the Scripture: John 14

TALK about the Scripture: Anyone who wants to travel internationally is required to have a passport. A passport comes from the country in which the person has citizenship, and it gives the person’s name, birthdate, and physical characteristics. When entering other countries or reentering his home country, the passport is used to ensure a person is who he says he is.

When Philip asked Jesus to show him the Father, Jesus replied that anyone who has seen Him has seen the Father. Like a passport that proves a person’s identity, Jesus’ powerful teaching and amazing miracles prove that He is God. When He was healing the sick, raising the dead, and forgiving sins—things only God can do—Jesus was showing His divine authority and power.

As we learn about the miracles of Jesus, we might be amazed or excited. But be careful not to miss the point. Jesus’ miracles were signs that are meant to point us to God and help us to believe in Him. Jesus’ miracles are meant to show us the beauty of God’s plan to restore His relationship with His creation. Jesus came to dwell with sinners and died to offer them new life in Him. God continues to dwell with those who believe in Jesus by sending the Holy Spirit—who is God living with and within every believer. When you hear of Jesus’ miracles, realize that God is showing you His plan to come and restore a relationship with You.

Christ Connection: God has always existed as three Persons—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The Father sent the Son to rescue us from sin. He gives us the Holy Spirit to comfort us, show us our sins, and guide us as we live for God’s glory.

WATCH the Bible Story Video: Jesus’ Miracles Prove He is God

LEARN the Scripture: "Yours, Lord, is the greatness and the power and the glory ... for everything in heaven and earth is yours." - 1 Chronicles 29:11

PRAY as a Family: God, thank You for wanting to dwell with us. You sent Jesus—God the Son—to rescue us from sin, and You send Your Spirit to dwell with us and in us when we believe. Thank You for giving us all these ways to see who You are and to help us believe in You. Amen.

APPLY what you've learned: Learn the big picture question and answer and practice asking and answering randomly throughout the week together.

Q: What did Jesus teach when He was on earth?

A: Jesus taught about God.

July 11 & 14 | Jesus Taught about Character

READ the Scripture: Matthew 5:1-16

TALK about the Scripture: What kind of juice would you get if you squeezed an orange? What about if you squeezed an apple? Or course, the orange would give orange juice and the apple would give apple juice. If something else came out, then you need to throw away those oranges and apples!

One of Jesus’ most well-known teachings is known as the Beatitudes. In these verses from Matthew 5, Jesus described the type of character He desires in His followers. Jesus spoke of the blessings that come to a person who is humble, merciful, peaceful, and pure in heart. If the pressures of life squeezed His followers, this is what would come out.

When you are pressed by hard situations, does what comes out look like Jesus or something else? When we believe in Jesus, our hearts are changed to love Him and obey Him. We want to live in a way that honors Him. We will never do this perfectly, but the Holy Spirit grows us and changes us to be more like Jesus.

Humility, mercy, peace, and righteousness perfectly describe Jesus. When the Spirit helps us grow this fruit in our life, He is making us a light that points the world to Jesus!

Christ Connection: Jesus taught people what it means to follow Him. He taught how people should live. People who trust in Jesus live to honor God and show what His kingdom is like.

WATCH the Bible Story Video: Jesus Taught about Character

LEARN the Scripture: "Yours, Lord, is the greatness and the power and the glory ... for everything in heaven and earth is yours." - 1 Chronicles 29:11

PRAY as a Family: God, help us to grow in Christ-like character. Make us humble, peaceful, merciful, and hungry for righteousness. We want the Spirit to produce this good fruit in us so that we can live in a way that honors Jesus and points others to Him. Amen.

APPLY what you've learned: Learn the big picture question and answer and practice asking and answering randomly throughout the week together.

Q: What did Jesus teach when He was on earth?

A: Jesus taught about God.

July 18 & 21 | Jesus Taught about Behavior

READ the Scripture: Matthew 6:1-18

TALK about the Scripture: A custom is a practice or behavior that is unique to a particular group. Different countries and cultures around the world have different customs. For instance, in some countries, the custom of burping after a meal can actually be a compliment to the chef! (Though we don’t recommend trying this at home.)

Jesus taught that every believer is part of a better, truer Kingdom: God’s kingdom. As citizens of God’s kingdom, He has called us to live in a different way. The behaviors we practice should reflect of our residency in His kingdom—and that often means they are very different from the world around us.

How do we live out these behaviors? Second Peter 1:3 tells us that God has “given us everything required for life and godliness through the knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness.” Jesus showed us what it looks like to fully obey God, and God has given every believer His Spirit as a helper to make them more and more like Jesus. The more we know Jesus and what He has done for us, the more we want to imitate His ways and the more we depend on the Spirit to transform us. Our prayer should be that God would change our words, thoughts, and actions to look more like Jesus so that the world can see Him more clearly.

Christ Connection: Jesus taught people what it means to follow Him. He taught how people should interact with God and others. Believers live to honor God—not to earn God’s favor but because they already have it.

WATCH the Bible Story Video: Jesus Taught about Behavior

LEARN the Scripture: "Yours, Lord, is the greatness and the power and the glory ... for everything in heaven and earth is yours." - 1 Chronicles 29:11

PRAY as a Family: God, help us to grow in our love for Jesus so that our words, thoughts, and actions would become more and more like Him. Help us to remember that we don’t obey to earn your love, but we want to obey because you have freely loved us through Jesus! Amen.

APPLY what you've learned: Learn the big picture question and answer and practice asking and answering randomly throughout the week together.

Q: What did Jesus teach when He was on earth?

A: Jesus taught about God.

July 25 & 28 | Jesus Taught about God's Love

READ the Scripture: Luke 15

TALK about the Scripture:

According to a recent survey, the average American spends two and a half days each year looking for lost items. The item lost most often is the TV remote. Did you check under the couch cushion?

The Bible says that Jesus came “to seek and to save the lost," but Scripture isn’t talking about a lost TV remote! Jesus came to save people who are lost. To be lost means to not know Jesus as Lord and Savior. This means that every one of us is born lost and desperately in need to be found by Jesus.

This week, we learned about the parable of the lost sheep, the parable of lost coin, and the parable of the prodigal son in Luke 15. Each of these parables show us God’s love for people who are lost. The parables teach us how much God wants to bring lost people back to Himself. In fact, God loved the world so much that He sent Jesus into the world on a rescue mission to save sinners and offer forgiveness to anyone who believes in Him.

Christ Connection: Jesus told these parables to teach about God’s love. God sent Jesus so sinners can be forgiven. As Savior, Jesus loves and seeks sinners. He paid the ultimate price—His own life—to save people from sin.

WATCH the Bible Story Video: Jesus Taught about God's Love

LEARN the Scripture: "Yours, Lord, is the greatness and the power and the glory ... for everything in heaven and earth is yours." - 1 Chronicles 29:11

PRAY as a Family: God, thank You for loving us so much that You would send Jesus to rescue us from sin. Help us to know Jesus and trust in Him as our Savior and our Lord. Amen.

APPLY what you've learned: Learn the big picture question and answer and practice asking and answering randomly throughout the week together.

Q: What did Jesus teach when He was on earth?

A: Jesus taught about God.

Canton 2

Monthly Memory Verse:

"Yours, Lord, is the greatness and the power and the glory ... for everything in heaven and earth is yours." - 1 Chronicles 29:11

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Jul 24 - Jul 31, 2024

RevKids + RevStudents Move Up Week

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Aug 4, 2024 • 9:15a - 10:00a

RevKids Jasper Rising Kindergarten Breakfast

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Aug 18, 2024 • 8:30a - 9:15a

RevKids Canton Rising Kindergarten Breakfast

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Aug 31, 2024 • 6:30p - 8:00p

Worship Night Baptism