We want to partner with you by providing resources that give you the chance to connect with your kids and help them grow in their faith. For weekly conversation starters regarding our current Elementary and Preschool RevKids curriculum, start here!


Elementary Curriculum

February 27 & March 2 | The Apostles Were Arrested

READ: Acts 5:12-42

DISCUSS: Have you ever heard the phrase, “No pain, no gain”? It most often refers to the discomfort that comes with lifting weights or working out. The pain is caused by tiny tears in the muscles that leave the lifter sore for a couple of days. The gain comes as the body repairs these tears to make the muscle bigger and stronger than before.

Jesus had promised that His followers would be persecuted and suffer just like He did. Not long after Jesus returned to Heaven, His followers experienced exactly what Jesus was talking about. They were arrested, beaten, and had their lives threatened, but they continued to tell others about the amazing love of Jesus.

Though they faced hard times, the followers of Jesus continued to praise God. Like a sore muscle that is growing stronger through pain, their faith in Jesus was growing stronger through these trials. Their example is a reminder to us that no matter what we face in this life, we can find joy and hope in the eternal promises Jesus makes to those who trust in Him. Even in hard times, our words and actions can honor God and show others how much we trust in His promises.

Christ Connection: Jesus calls His followers to be faithful and tell others about Him, even in times of trouble. Just as Jesus experienced rejection and suffering, so will His followers. We can have joy in suffering, knowing God uses our suffering, like Christ’s, for His glory.

WATCH: The Apostles Were Arrested

LEARN: "He was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed." - Isaiah 53:5

PRAY: Lord Jesus, helps us to trust in You when we face hard times. Give us faith to endure these times and remind us of the eternal promises You have made. Help us to live in a way that gives You glory in every circumstance.

APPLY: Learn the big picture question and answer and practice asking and answering randomly throughout the week together.

Q: Why did Jesus become human?

A: Jesus became human to obey His Father's plan and rescue sinners.

March 6 & 9 | The Church Handled a Problem

READ: Acts 6:1-7

DISCUSS: According to the Guinness Book of World Records, the largest group hug was achieved by 10,554 participants at an event in Mexico City on January 21, 2018. The participants held each other in a giant hug for five minutes! That’s a lot of love and togetherness!

As the early church grew, they quickly experienced some growing pains. It became very difficult for the apostles to preach the gospel and provide for all the needs of the people. The solution was to invite more people to serve. This allowed people to use their gifts and made sure that all the needs of the church were met.

The mission of the church is so important that it takes everyone using their gifts to serve others. God has given each person a unique role to play within their church. If they aren’t actively serving, then the church isn’t working as well as it could. No matter what role you’re called to play, God has called you to do it to build His church and bring Him glory. God loves to see His people linked together—like a big group hug—to serve His church.

Christ Connection: The apostles believed that everyone in the church had an important job to do to serve God’s people and help spread the gospel. Jesus wants us to serve others so that the message of His death and resurrection can be heard and believed all over the world.

WATCH: The Church Handled a Problem

LEARN: "He was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed." - Isaiah 53:5

PRAY: God, thank You for the church where we can learn about You, worship You, and serve You. Help us to find our role in serving others. We pray that our church would be strong and united in serving You and serving others.

APPLY: Learn the big picture question and answer and practice asking and answering randomly throughout the week together.

Q: Why did Jesus become human?

A: Jesus became human to obey His Father's plan and rescue sinners.

March 13 & 16 | Stephen Was Arrested

READ: Acts 6:8–7:60

DISCUSS: Today, more than 260 million Christians suffer heavy persecution for their decision to follow Jesus. Many of these are in foreign countries where the government and other citizens are very opposed to the message of Jesus. Yet, even in those countries, the number of believers continues to rise as more people hear the gospel and believe.

Jesus warned His disciples about the persecution they would face for following Him. Matthew 10:22 says, “You will be hated by everyone because of my name. But the one who endures to the end will be saved.” It can be scary to read Jesus’ warnings, but those warnings come with a promise. Jesus told His disciples to not be afraid and to find peace in knowing that their reward was eternity with Him.

Many Christians have suffered, and some have died like Stephen, for their faith. The choice to follow Jesus may lead to persecution from those who do not love Jesus, but we can trust in the promises Jesus made. He promises that those who endure will be with Him forever and ever.

Christ Connection: Jesus told His followers that they would be persecuted—hated, hurt, or even killed—for loving Him. Jesus also said that those who suffer for Him would be blessed. We can face suffering in this life because Jesus suffered first. He died and then rose again, and He is waiting for us in heaven.

WATCH: Stephen Was Arrested

LEARN: "He was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed." - Isaiah 53:5

PRAY: Jesus, we trust in You and Your promises. We know that You suffered and died for us, so help us to endure whenever we suffer for Your namesake. Help us to live for You even when it’s hard to do so.

APPLY: Learn the big picture question and answer and practice asking and answering randomly throughout the week together.

Q: Why did Jesus become human?

A: Jesus became human to obey His Father's plan and rescue sinners.

March 20 & 23 | The Church Spread Out

READ: Acts 8:1-40

DISCUSS: Think about all the people you encounter in a week: teachers, bus drivers, coaches, grocery store clerks, doctors, friends, and family members. You have so many relationships with people, and you’ll continue forming new relationships over time. Why does God bring so many people into our path?

What if the answer to that question is so that you can help one another grow closer to Jesus Christ? Every follower of Jesus has been given a message to share the good news of the gospel with everyone they encounter. When we know Jesus as Lord, every relationship becomes an opportunity to share Jesus with those people.

When the Holy Spirit led Philip to an Ethiopian official, Philip obeyed and shared the story of Jesus with the man. Philip was willing to go anywhere to tell others about Jesus. The Holy Spirit helps you share Jesus with those you encounter each day. Are you willing to accept that mission?

Christ Connection: The Holy Spirit led Philip to help the Ethiopian official understand the good news about Jesus: Jesus died on the cross for our sins and was raised from the dead, just like the Old Testament prophets said.

WATCH: The Church Spread Out

LEARN: "He was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed." - Isaiah 53:5

PRAY: Jesus, You are loving and good. You want all people to hear the good news of the gospel. Help us go where Your Spirit leads us and give us the courage to tell others about You. Amen.

APPLY: Learn the big picture question and answer and practice asking and answering randomly throughout the week together.

Q: Why did Jesus become human?

A: Jesus became human to obey His Father's plan and rescue sinners.

March 27 & 30 | Jesus Suffered for Us

READ: Philippians 2:1-18

DISCUSS: Have you ever had to go through something hard or painful? Maybe you got a cut or a bruise, or maybe you had to take medicine that tasted bad. Sometimes we must go through things that we don't like or enjoy, but we do it because we know it's important.

Jesus went through something hard and painful for us. He suffered on the cross so that we could be forgiven and have new life in Him.

When Jesus was on the cross, He took on all the bad things we've done—all our sins. He suffered the punishment that we deserved so that we wouldn't have to. It wasn't easy for Jesus to do this; He felt pain and sadness just like we do. But He did it because He loves us so much.

The Bible tells us that by Jesus' wounds, we have been healed. That means that because of what Jesus did for us, we can be made whole again. We can be forgiven for our sins and have a new life with Him.

The next time you're going through something hard or painful, remember that Jesus knows what it's like. He suffered for us, but He did it because He loves us and wants us to have new life in Him. And because of His sacrifice, we can have hope and peace no matter what we're going through.

Christ Connection: Jesus, the Son of God, humbled Himself by coming to earth as a man. Jesus never sinned, but He died on the cross to rescue people from their sins. Jesus rose from the dead and is alive! Everyone who trusts in Jesus has forgiveness and life with God forever.

WATCH: Jesus Suffered for Us

LEARN: "He was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed." - Isaiah 53:5

PRAY: God, thank You for loving sinners enough to send Jesus to save us. We know that Jesus died in our place so that we could have a relationship with You. Help us to believe in the good news so that we can spend eternity with You! Amen.

APPLY: Learn the big picture question and answer and practice asking and answering randomly throughout the week together.

Q: Why did Jesus become human?

A: Jesus became human to obey His Father's plan and rescue sinners.

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Memory Verse

"He was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed." - Isaiah 53:5

Preschool Curriculum

February 27 & March 2 | I Can Trust in God

READ: Genesis 12:1-9; 15:1-6; 17:5

WATCH: I Can Trust in God

SIMPLE TRUTH: God wants me to know him.

LEARN: "A person's heart plans his way, but the Lord determines his steps." - Proverbs 16:9

PRAY: God, thank You for the true story of Abram in the Bible that helps us remember that we can trust You. Thank You that we can trust in You. Amen.

March 6 & 9 | I Can Talk with God

READ: Genesis 17:5; 18; 21:1-7

WATCH: I Can Talk with God

SIMPLE TRUTH: God wants me to know him.

LEARN: "A person's heart plans his way, but the Lord determines his steps." - Proverbs 16:9

PRAY: God, thank You for teaching us through the story of Abraham that we can listen and talk with You. Step by step we can know You, and You will help us know You better. Amen.

March 13 & 16 | I Can Listen to God

READ: Genesis 13; 17:5

WATCH: I Can Listen to God

SIMPLE TRUTH: God wants me to know him.

LEARN: "A person's heart plans his way, but the Lord determines his steps." - Proverbs 16:9

PRAY: God, thank You for the story of Abram and Lot and how You kept Your promise to Abram. Thank You for Abram’s example we have in the Bible of how when we listen to You, we can know more about You. Amen.

March 20 & 23 | I Can Walk with God

READ: Genesis 17:5; 24

WATCH: I Can Walk with God

SIMPLE TRUTH: God wants me to know him.

LEARN: "A person's heart plans his way, but the Lord determines his steps." - Proverbs 16:9

PRAY: God, thank You for the true story of Abraham’s servant who prayed to You and You helped him find the right wife for Isaac. Help us remember when we walk with You, we can ask You for help, and You will help us follow You, step by step. Amen.

March 27 & 30 | God Rescues You

READ: Romans 5–6

WATCH: God Rescues You

SIMPLE TRUTH: God wants me to know him.

LEARN: "A person's heart plans his way, but the Lord determines his steps." - Proverbs 16:9

PRAY: God, thank You for rescuing us when we choose to follow You. Today we celebrate You and say thank You for loving us and coming to rescue us. Amen.

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Memory Verse

"A person's heart plans his way, but the Lord determines his steps." - Proverbs 16:9

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May 15 - May 18, 2025

Canton Baptism

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May 18, 2025

Jasper Baptism